¿Deseas Rentar esta propiedad?

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    Please be advised that in order to process your application in a timely manner and within the 2 days from the day it was turned in the following requirements must be met:

    1. We must have payment before we can process the application. The application fee is $75.00 for each adult applicant and must be made in cash, cashier's check or money order. Personal checks cannot be accepted. Once an application is processed, there is no refunding of the application fee(s) under any circumstances.

    2. Please make sure you fill out the application entirely and sign.

    3. Each applicant above the age of 18 must fill out an application.

    4. We must have a copy of all applicants' Driver's License(s) or other photo ID.

    5. We must have documented proof of income (last 2 pay stubs; last year's tax return; etc.

    6. All questions must be answered. No questions should be left blank.

    7. The telephone number, name and address of the current landlord must be provided.

    8. When we process the application, we check the following:

      • Monthly Income - total must be at least three (3) times the rent

      • Felony Criminal records

      • Eviction records o Previous residency

      • Credit Report

    Cooperating Agent please make sure that applicant provide the following items:

    • A copy of driver’s license or picture’s ID for everyone who is going to reside in the unit over the age of 16.

    • A copy of two most recent pay stubs.

    • In the event that the person is self employed or owns a business please provide proper documentation of business.

    If these requirements are not met the application will be unprocessed.

    [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-01]



    This application is subject to acceptance by the Owner/Association/Landlord. The applicant(s) understand that the Owner Association/Landlord will authorize Sunny 365 Realty Group to act as their agent to investigate the information supplied by the applicant on this application from Sunny 365 Realty Group. The Owner/Association/Landlord will not be liable or responsible for any inaccurate information in their report, caused by illegibility or wrong information on this application, given by the applicant.

    The applicant agrees, not to hold Sunny 365 Realty Group and/or the Owner/Association/Landlord liable for the reports received by their investigators. All reports will be obtained under the regulations of the FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act). The applicant agrees to sign the authorization form needed by Sunny 365 Realty Group to receive the requested information concerning the banking, employment, credit and residence information in reference to this application. Sunny 365 Realty Group may investigate all given references as deemed necessary and may also require a credit report through a credit reporting agency. All investigation reports will be handled confidentially and only the results will be reported to the Owner/Association/Landlord or authorized persons. By signing this application the applicant authorizes the Owner/Association/Landlord and their agent Sunny 365 Realty Group to investigate the information supplied.


    I hereby certify that the above information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Further, I certify that I have never been convicted of a felony offense, arrested for, put on probation for, nor had adjudication withheld or deferred for a felony offense. Further, I understand that Sunny 365 Realty Group will run a CREDIT REPORT, a CRIMINIAL HISTORY CHECK, and an EVICTION CHECK on each individual for the sole purpose of qualifying for a rental property and that the application fee is NON-REFUNDABLE for any reason once the application has been processed, regardless of whether the application is accepted or rejected.

    A valid picture ID for each applicant (i.e. - Driver’s License) MUST accompany this application. Further, any monies accepted as a Holding Deposit to hold a property for me will be fully refunded if I do not qualify; if, however, I do qualify, then any monies paid as a Holding Deposit to hold a property will be fully forfeited if I do not perform within the specified time frame. If I do perform, then the Holding Deposit will be applied towards the required Security Deposit or any other outstanding monies due. I also understand that any false statement or misstatement made on this document will constitute default under my lease.

    The requested information will be used in reference to my purchase/rental/lease application..
    I hereby authorize Sunny 365 Realty Group to investigate all statements contained in my application as may be necessary. I understand that I hereby waive any privileges I may have regarding the requested

    I accept the terms and conditions

    [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-02]




    (Please provide previous employer if less than two years)


    Reference number 1

    Reference number 2

    [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-03]


    In order to secure a rental property so no one else can rent that specific property, you must do the following:

    1. Complete a rental application ($75 fee for each adult). Payment must be made in cash, cashier's check or money order. Personal checks cannot be accepted. Once an application is processed, there is no refunding of the application fee(s) under any circumstances.

    2. Then, if you want us to hold a rental property, we will require a full security deposit and we will hold the property for you for up to 15 days.

    3. If your application is approved BUT you do not perform after the specified time frame, then you will forfeit the entire Holding Deposit.

    4. If your application is approved and you decided to cancel within the 15 days time frame you will be charged a $250.00 administration fee. This amount will be deducted from the security deposit.

    By accepte below, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the requirements associated with holding a rental property.

    [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-04]


    Do you have a pet?

    PET APPLICATION FEE PAID $ 25 per individual pet on lease.


    I do hereby request that my pet be approved to reside with me during the term of my lease agreement.

    Data of the pet

    Data of the pet

    In consideration of having to go through this pet application process, I ATTEST TO THE FOLLOWING

    1. My pet is well-trained and not dangerous to others. My pet does not have a propensity to be vicious. My pet does not bark excessively. No other Landlord has complained about my pet in the past.

    2. My pet is not pregnant and will not become pregnant during my residency. If my pet becomes pregnant, I will be considered in violation of this agreement and, at the Owner's option, must immediately remove the pet or incur additional pet fees as defined in the Lease.

    If my pet causes damage or destruction to persons or property, I agree to abide by the terms of the Lease and I will be financially responsible for such damage or destruction. If there are any false statements or misstatements on this application or if my pet becomes a nuisance or otherwise violates the terms of this application, then the Landlord may terminate my pet's right of occupancy and / or my Lease, thereby subjecting me to eviction.

    I understand that the Pet Application fee will be refunded if my pet is not approved. If approved, then the application fee is not refundable under any circumstance and will not be applied toward any other obligation.

    [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-05]


    [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-06]


    CHAPTER 83
    SECTION 83.001 APPLICATION 83.49

    3.49 Deposit money or advance rent; duty of landlord and tenant.—

    1. Whenever money is deposited or advanced by a tenant on a rental agreement as security for performance of the rental agreement or as advance rent for other than the next immediate rental period, the landlord or the landlord’s agent shall either:

      1. Hold the total amount of such money in a separate non-interest-bearing account in a Florida banking institution for the benefit of the tenant or tenants. The landlord shall not commingle such moneys with any other funds of the landlord or hypothecate, pledge, or in any other way make use of such moneys until such moneys are actually due the landlord;

      2. Hold the total amount of such money in a separate interest-bearing account in a Florida banking institution for the benefit of the tenant or tenants, in which case the tenant shall receive and collect interest in an amount of at least 75 percent of the annualized average interest rate payable on such account or interest at the rate of 5 percent per year, simple interest, whichever the landlord elects. The landlord shall not commingle such moneys with any other funds of the landlord or hypothecate, pledge, or in any other way make use of such moneys until such moneys are actually due the landlord; or

      3. Post a surety bond, executed by the landlord as principal and a surety company authorized and licensed to do business in the state as surety, with the clerk of the circuit court in the county in which the dwelling unit is located in the total amount of the security deposits and advance rent he or she holds on behalf of the tenants or $50,000, whichever is less. The bond shall be conditioned upon the faithful compliance of the landlord with the provisions of this section and shall run to the Governor for the benefit of any tenant injured by the landlord’s violation of the provisions of this section. In addition to posting the surety bond, the landlord shall pay to the tenant interest at the rate of 5 percent per year, simple interest. A landlord, or the landlord’s agent, engaged in the renting of dwelling units in five or more counties, who holds deposit moneys or advance rent and who is otherwise subject to the provisions of this section, may, in lieu of posting a surety bond in each county, elect to post a surety bond in the form and manner provided in this paragraph with the office of the Secretary of State. The bond shall be in the total amount of the security deposit or advance rent held on behalf of tenants or in the amount of $250,000, whichever is less. The bond shall be conditioned upon the faithful compliance of the landlord with the provisions of this section and shall run to the Governor for the benefit of any tenant injured by the landlord’s violation of this section. In addition to posting a surety bond, the landlord shall pay to the tenant interest on the security deposit or advance rent held on behalf of that tenant at the rate of 5 percent per year simple interest.

    2. The landlord shall, within 30 days of receipt of advance rent or a security deposit, notify the tenant in writing of the manner in which the landlord is holding the advance rent or security deposit and the rate of interest, if any, which the tenant is to receive and the time of interest payments to the tenant. Such written notice shall:

      1. Be given in person or by mail to the tenant.

      2. State the name and address of the depository where the advance rent or security deposit is being held, whether the advance rent or security deposit is being held in a separate account for the benefit of the tenant or is commingled with other funds of the landlord, and, if commingled, whether such funds are deposited in an interest-bearing account in a Florida banking institution.

      3. Include a copy of the provisions of subsection (3).

        Subsequent to providing such notice, if the landlord changes the manner or location in which he or she is holding the advance rent or security deposit, he or she shall notify the tenant within 30 days of the change according to the provisions herein set forth. This subsection does not apply to any landlord who rents fewer than five individual dwelling units. Failure to provide this notice shall not be a defense to the payment of rent when due.

      1. Upon the vacating of the premises for termination of the lease, if the landlord does not intend to impose a claim on the security deposit, the landlord shall have 15 days to return the security deposit together with interest if otherwise required, or the landlord shall have 30 days to give the tenant written notice by certified mail to the tenant’s last known mailing address of his or her intention to impose a claim on the deposit and the reason for imposing the claim. The notice shall contain a statement in substantially the following form:
        This is a notice of my intention to impose a claim for damages in the amount of upon your security deposit, due to . It is sent to you as required by s. 83.49(3), Florida Statutes. You are hereby notified that you must object in writing to this deduction from your security deposit within 15 days from the time you receive this notice or I will be authorized to deduct my claim from your security deposit. Your objection must be sent to (landlord’s address) .
        If the landlord fails to give the required notice within the 30-day period, he or she forfeits the right to impose a claim upon the security deposit.

      2. Unless the tenant objects to the imposition of the landlord’s claim or the amount thereof within 15 days after receipt of the landlord’s notice of intention to impose a claim, the landlord may then deduct the amount of his or her claim and shall remit the balance of the deposit to the tenant within 30 days after the date of the notice of intention to impose a claim for damages.

      3. If either party institutes an action in a court of competent jurisdiction to adjudicate the party’s right to the security deposit, the prevailing party is entitled to receive his or her court costs plus a reasonable fee for his or her attorney. The court shall advance the cause on the calendar.

      4. Compliance with this section by an individual or business entity authorized to conduct business in this state, including Florida-licensed real estate brokers and sales associates, shall constitute compliance with all other relevant Florida Statutes pertaining to security deposits held pursuant to a rental agreement or other landlord-tenant relationship. Enforcement personnel shall look solely to this section to determine compliance. This section prevails over any conflicting provisions in chapter 475 and in other sections of the Florida Statutes, and shall operate to permit licensed real estate brokers to disburse security deposits and deposit money without having to comply with the notice and settlement procedures contained in s. 475.25(1)(d).

    3. The provisions of this section do not apply to transient rentals by hotels or motels as defined in chapter 509; nor do they apply in those instances in which the amount of rent or deposit, or both, is regulated by law or by rules or regulations of a public body, including public housing authorities and federally administered or regulated housing 8 programs including s. 202, s. 221(d)(3) and (4), s. 236, or s. 8 of the National Housing Act, as amended, other than for rent stabilization. With the exception of subsections (3), (5), and (6), this section is not applicable to housing authorities or public housing agencies created pursuant to chapter 421 or other statutes.

    4. Except when otherwise provided by the terms of a written lease, any tenant who vacates or abandons the premises prior to the expiration of the term specified in the written lease, or any tenant who vacates or abandons premises which are the subject of a tenancy from week to week, month to month, quarter to quarter, or year to year, shall give at least 7 days’ written notice by certified mail or personal delivery to the landlord prior to vacating or abandoning the premises which notice shall include the address where the tenant may be reached. Failure to give such notice shall relieve the landlord of the notice requirement of paragraph (3)(a) but shall not waive any right the tenant may have to the security deposit or any part of it.

    5. For the purposes of this part, a renewal of an existing rental agreement shall be considered a new rental agreement, and any security deposit carried forward shall be considered a new security deposit.

    6. Upon the sale or transfer of title of the rental property from one owner to another, or upon a change in the designated rental agent, any and all security deposits or advance rents being held for the benefit of the tenants shall be transferred to the new owner or agent, together with any earned interest and with an accurate accounting showing the amounts to be credited to each tenant account. Upon the transfer of such funds and records as stated herein, and upon transmittal of a written receipt therefor, the transferor shall be free from the obligation imposed in subsection (1) to hold such moneys on behalf of the tenant. However, nothing herein shall excuse the landlord or agent for a violation of the provisions of this section while in possession of such deposits.

    7. Any person licensed under the provisions of s. 509.241, unless excluded by the provisions of this part, who fails to comply with the provisions of this part shall be subject to a fine or to the suspension or revocation of his or her license by the Division of Hotels and Restaurants of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation in the manner provided in s. 509.261.

    8. In those cases in which interest is required to be paid to the tenant, the landlord shall pay directly to the tenant, or credit against the current month’s rent, the interest due to the tenant at least once annually. However, no interest shall be due a tenant who wrongfully terminates his or her tenancy prior to the end of the rental term.
      History.—s. 1, ch. 69-282; s. 3, ch. 70-360; s. 1, ch. 72-19; s. 1, ch. 72-43; s. 5, ch. 73-330; s. 1, ch. 74-93; s. 3, ch. 74-146; ss. 1, 2, ch. 75-133; s. 1, ch. 76-15; s. 1, ch. 77-445; s. 20, ch. 79-400; s. 21, ch. 82-66; s. 5, ch. 83-151; s. 13, ch. 83-217; s. 3, ch. 87-195; s. 1, ch. 87-369; s. 3, ch. 88-379; s. 2, ch. 93-255; s. 5, ch. 94-218; s. 1372, ch. 95-147; s. 1, ch. 96-146; s. 1, ch. 2001-179; s. 53, ch. 2003-164.
      Note.—Former s. 83.261.

    I acknowledge receipt of this brochure of this disclosure signing the Lease Application with Sunny 365 Realty Group.

    [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-07]



    Price per application:


    Price per pet(s):


    Total price:


      Save to Favorites
      PRICE $399,999 dsIDX morgage calculator
      BEDS 3
      BATHS 3
      HOME SIZE 1,791 sqft
      LOT SIZE 3,050 sqft

      WOW - AMAZING VIBRANT LAKE NONA LOCATION in GATED community, CORNER END UNIT on CUL-DE-SAC with awesome CONSERVATION VIEWS! - NEW UPGRADED TOP OF THE LINE LENNOX AC 2024 plus TONS of other improvements! This updated 2 story townhome with 2 CAR GARAGE is WALKING DISTANCE to lots of popular restaurants and businesses, 2 miles to the 528 and 417 expressways and just minutes to the LAKE NONA TOWN CENTER and ACTIVITY CORE with popular BOXI PARK and THE LAKE NONA MEDICAL CITY. This amazing central location is also just 15 minutes to the ORLANDO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT and 30 minutes to the THEME PARKS and EAST COAST OF FLORIDA! Inside this quaint gated community you'll enjoy the short walk to the fitness center, community pool and playground. This lovely home has oversized doors, high ceilings and tons of natural light. Enjoy upgrades like Moen Faucets, Rocker Door Handles too. As you step inside you'll enter an open concept family room that flows to the OPEN PATIO and kitchen with TONS of UPGRADED cabinets, STAINLESS appliances, GRANITE Countertops, built in Cabinet Pantry and CENTER ISLAND which is open to the spacious dining area and stylish half bath. Upstairs you'll find a split 3 bedroom layout with HIGH CEILINGS. The Primary bedroom suite includes: His and Hers walk-in closets, garden tub with separate shower and GRANITE countertops with his and hers sinks. The 2nd bath is located between the other two bedrooms with JACK & JILL doorways and includes a dual sinks, tub/shower combo and upgraded cabinets with granite countertops. RECENT UPDATES INCLUDE: Fresh Interior Paint 2025, AC 2024, Whole House Surge Protector 2022, Garage Door Opener 2022, Laminate Flooring 2022, Garbage Disposal 2021, 3M Security Film on Windows and Doors 2020. ROOF REPLACEMENT AND BUILDING EXTERIOR PAINTING COVERED BY HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION!

      DAYS ON MARKET 22 LAST UPDATED 2/15/2025
      COMMUNITY 32832 - Orlando/Moss Park/Lake Mary Jane GARAGE SPACES 2.0
      COUNTY Orange STATUS Active
      PROPERTY TYPE(S) Condo/Townhouse/Co-Op

      Prior to Feb 15, '25 $410,000
      Feb 15, '25 - Today $399,999

      AIR Central Air
      APPLIANCES Dishwasher, Disposal, Dryer, Electric Water Heater, Microwave, Range, Refrigerator, Washer
      AREA 32832 - Orlando/Moss Park/Lake Mary Jane
      CONSTRUCTION Block, Stone, Stucco
      EXTERIOR Lighting
      GARAGE Yes
      HEAT Electric
      HOA DUES 300
      INTERIOR Eat-in Kitchen, High Ceilings, Stone Counters, Tray Ceiling(s), Walk-In Closet(s)
      LOT 3049 sq ft
      LOT DESCRIPTION Cul-de-sac, Greenbelt, Landscaped
      PARKING Driveway, Garage Door Opener, Attached
      SEWER Public Sewer
      STORIES 2
      STYLE Contemporary
      TAXES 4611
      UTILITIES Cable Available, Cable Connected, Electricity Connected
      VIEW Yes
      VIEW DESCRIPTION Park/Greenbelt, Trees/Woods
      WATER Public


      *Estimate only


      We respect your online privacy and will never spam you. By submitting this form with your telephone number you are consenting for Isabel Sirizzotti to contact you even if your name is on a Federal or State "Do not call List".

      Listing provided by Michelle Morrow, REALTY PROS UNLIMITED INC
      The information contained herein has been provided by My Florida Regional MLS DBA Stellar MLS. IDX information is provided exclusively for consumers' personal, non-commercial use, that it may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing, and that the data is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed accurate by the MLS. Listings last updated 2/15/25 6:15 PM PST.

      This IDX solution is (c) Diverse Solutions 2025.

      • Testimonials

        I have been using Sunny 365Realty’s rental property service for 4 years; my experience with them has been extraordinary. I highly recommend them whatever your real estate needs may be. Isabel Sirizzoti is a professional, and her team is very thoughtful and takes good care of their clients. Lots of success!
        Dally E. Gonzalez-Santaella, happy client
        I have been a Sunny Realty Group’s customer for many years. Throughout this time, they have proven to be extremely professional and honest; I would recommend them without hesitation.
        Rafael Marcano, happy client
        My name is Rosa Millan. One day my husband and I ventured out to buy an apartment in USA; we were hesitant at first since everything had to be done on line; however, Isabel’s attentions made us feel at ease, and we decided to trust her. A year has gone by, and I have no complaints. Isabel is a trustworthy woman, and we do not hesitate anymore; she leaves no room for doubts. Thanks a lot for your service rendered, my friend.
        Rosa Millan, happy client
        Our experience with Sunny 365 Realty Group & Management LLC has been great; we are satisfied with their professionalism, experience, commitment, responsibility, and state-of-the-art customer service.Their team is always willing to offer the client the best support and assistance. It gives us great peace of mind knowing we count on such a team.
        Egor Barreto y Ana Claudia Teixeira, happy client
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